Post covid we are now more familiar with checking FCDO (Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office) travel advice for Covid - but remember their advice covers much more about your chosen travel destination.
You must always seek this advice before you decide on your holiday destination, your Abta travel agent will signpost this for you. To keep up to date with travel advice please read the FCDO Travel Advice website and sign up for your chosen destination. This provides travel advice for 226 countries and must be checked before you book any travel arrangements and should be continued to be checked before departure.
SmileForJoel are campaigning that all U.K. travel companies improve/monitor security standards in overseas hotels. We want to make it mandatory that hotels must have a robust critical incident policy in place and hotel/resort staff must be regularly trained on it.
Travel Tips: -
Useful Links: -
If you wish to know more about SmileForJoel, or have any questions, please use the contact form.
Remember we love to see your pictures supporting SmileForJoel and your wristbands travelling around the world.
Please send them to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages along with the hashtag #smileforjoel. Click here for our wristband story.